Monday, June 25, 2007

Thirteen graduate from school

On June 21, Life Skills Center of Lake Erie closed its school year by successfully celebrating its Commencement Ceremony at Tri-C theater.

Although only 13 students graduated, the event was a very colourful and unforgettable one.

Two students excelled in merits: Efrain Echevarria and Ann Gartner.

Efrain came to this center with zero credits. Thanks to his high determination, he managed to attain 20 credits to graduate.

Few students have this kind of will and determination.

The Red Cross of America honored him with a $1000.00 scholarship.

Efrain worked over 1,500 hours in the community over his stay at the center. The school vocational department honoerd him with a plaque.

Anna Garnett distinguished herself by working with the community during her entire stay in Life Skills. She received the Life Skills Centers Award for her voluntary contribution to the community.

Graduates included:
Le'Roy Decembly
Efrain Echevarria
Elizabeth Estremera
Anna Garnett
Kristin Manville
Crystal Morris
Ericka Rodriguez
Angela Santos
Jericka Soto
Jullie Valentin
Anthony Hill
Ramone Masten
Jeffrey Wilmoth

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