Thursday, June 21, 2007

Spotlighted Life Skills Center of Cincinnati graduates

Jemar Hood

It took me a long time to get to this time in my life.

I am 21 years old; I will be graduating June 15, 2007.

I have had to repeat every grade twice, dropped out of school, tried the GED and returned t o finish school.

My brother died July 18, 2006 and then I lost my mother Sept. 29, 2006.

I was very sad, lost and confused, but now I have seen the light.

I now know that the things I do now will make my mother proud.

Thank you Life Skills Center!

Talisha Cogsville

My name is Talisha Cogsville.

I am 23 years of age.

I am a soon to be graduate of Life Skills Center of Cincinnati.

I re-enrolled in LSC in July of 2006 after being there prior in 2001. I didn't accomplish anything when I was enrolled during the year of 2001, so I dropped out without earning any credits.

I had two kids by August of 2001, so I felt that at the time, my children needed me.

I gained custody of my sister that is only one year younger than me but she suffers from Cerebral Palsy.

It was very hard to care for her and my two kids. While all of this was taking place I was just 18 years of age.

Everything was overwhelming, but I managed.

At ages 19-21 I had a baby each year. I was 21 years old with five babies.

My sister graduated which inspired me to get back into school. Her graduation was bittersweet. I was happy for her, but yet sad for myself. At that moment I knew what I had to do. I re-enrolled in LSC once again. It was July 2006.

I didn't have any credits. I had to earn 20 credits in 9 months in order to receive my diploma. I pushed myself to attend school everyday and worked until I fell asleep at my computer sometimes. By December I had 14 credits.

In April I earned my last two credits. In December I found out that I was once again pregnant.

I kept going even with the complications I was having. It is now June, I'm still pregnant (8months) and I am graduating on June 15th, 2007. I DID IT!!!!!

There was a lot that could and tried to stop me, but nothing can stop God's will.

I thank God and all the dedicated staff at LSC.

I've had the support of wonderful teachers, administrators and my family advocate. Thanks so much I love you all!

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