Friday, June 22, 2007

Text of Amanda Renish's speech to graduates

Hello, My name is Amanda Renish and I work for Life Skills Center of Elyria. My position there is UPSHOTS facilitator.

I have a full scholarship from Life Skills Center and White Hat Management! At this time I am working on my bachelor’s degree in Social Work. AND I WILL go on to get my masters degree!

I am honored to have been invited here by your administrator, BUT most importantly graduates I stand here today in honor of you and your graduation.

I stand here knowing the struggles you have had to go through in order to be where you are today. I know these struggles personally because I too was in your shoes and I am a proud Life Skills graduate. (Class of 03!)

Life Skills Center changed my life dramatically. Here I am working towards a goal in college, and had it not been for the Life Skills Centers I don’t know where I’d be.

I thank God for the Life Skills Centers and all the staff members that have helped me take a look at my life and plant a seed of desire in my heart. Desire to reach for my dreams!

But putting me aside I am most proud to stand here and say that against all odds you too, have conquered graduation! Class of 2007 you guys are awesome!

And you may be too humble to say it, but I am not! This next comment is to all the people who have doubted you, “HATERS” … IN YOUR FACE!

You guys did it and on behalf of the Life Skills staff and Whitehat Management I want to say with all sincerity, CONGRATULATIONS graduates!

I’m sure everyone is familiar with the saying “Education is the key to success” and while some of us are sitting here thinking this is such a cliché…. please know that this saying speaks volumes of life to each and every Life Skills graduate.

Because you are graduating, I believe that you can do anything you put your mind to. I believe your education is the key to every dream you have.

Graduates do me a favor. Take a step back from all this graduation excitement and take a moment to think of your biggest dream you’d like to accomplish…

You got it in your mind? Are you thinking about it?

Now let me let you in on a little secret.

Your education is going to be the reason that you will accomplish that very dream. Your education is the key to all of your dreams.

I have a little gift for every graduate. And that is a key that does not have its notches.

It is a notch less key because I want you to know that your education gives you the power and authority to put notches on this key. Notches that will open doors that you have always dreamed of opening!

I am opening doors everyday and it is because of my education. The very same education that you have!

When the going gets tough after tonight, I challenge you to look at this key and be reminded that you have the power in your life to do anything you seek to accomplish!

After graduation if you need a kick in the “seat”… then I invite you to come back to the Life Skills Center, because I guarantee you the administrator and teachers are going to be at the school waiting to encourage and support you, just like they have done for me!! If you need help deciding which university you will attend, or what career is best for you, please know that the Life Skills Center supports YOU!!!

Graduates congratulations, God Bless and go take the world on with confidence, knowing you have the KEY, especially designed by you, that will open whatever doors you so choose!

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