Friday, June 22, 2007

22 graduate from school

Twenty-two students graduated Thursday night from Life Skills Center of Canton during a ceremony at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Canton.

“I did it, Mama,” Brad Zickefoose, 21, of Massillon called out to his mother, Debbie, as he received his diploma.

He later said he was the first member of his family to graduate from high school.

“I wouldn’t have made it without the support of my family,” Zickefoose said.

Speakers encouraged students to follow their dreams.

“I’m sure everyone is familiar with the saying ‘Education is the key to success’ and while some of us are sitting here thinking this is such a cliché,” said Amanda Renish, a 2003 graduate of Life Skills Center of Elyria who served as the commencement speaker. “Please know that this saying speaks volumes of life to each and every Life Skills graduate. Because you are graduating, I believe that you can do anything you put your mind to. I believe your education is the key to every dream you have.”

“Nothing should stop you from reaching your goals,” said school administrator Scott McClain. “You’ve been through too much to stop now.”

Graduating students are from Canton, Massillon, Perry Township, Jackson Township, Plain Township, Malvern, Canton Township, Dover and Alliance.

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