Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Featured Life Skills Center Northeast graduate

After four years of high school, Kendra Taylor almost had everything she needed to graduate.

But she missed one thing - passing the Ohio Graduation Test.

"A lot of times I didn't think it was going to happen," Taylor recalled. "I wouldn't be able to pursue my future and my goals (of getting a good job)."

She kept pursuing her dream after she finished high school in 2005, even during a six-month incarceration in 2006.

"I was referred to Life Skills in August (2007) by a vocational program," Taylor said. "The teachers and staff members really helped me and was there for me. They made me feel that I was supposed to be there. They helped me pass the test and I was really excited (when I heard I passed)."

After graduation, Taylor she wants to study cosmotology as well as fashion design and attend either Kent State University or Virginia Marti College of Fashion in Cleveland.

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