Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Students win blood drive

Students at Life Skills Center of Middletown topped Life Skills of Springfield students in a Community Blood Center drive which was held at both schools on Friday.

The contest was judged by which school had the most participants in the event.
Forty students and staff members participated at Middletown, where 23 pints of blood were donated.

At Springfield, 32 students and staff members registered for the drive.

“I felt good about our participation,” Life Skills Center of Middletown Administrator Charles Hall. “We had all of our time slots filled. It was inspiring. We had kids you didn’t expect to give blood.”

“Middletown won, but we are proud of our effort,” said Life Skills Center of Springfield Administrator Edward Haskins. “Also, we had two people (students) who gave for their 4th time on Friday and they will be getting a T-Shirt and a coupon for ½ gallon of ice cream at Young's Dairy Farm in Yellow Springs for donating their half gallon of blood.”

Hall said he would like to make the blood drive an annual event.

“It’s a great cause,” he said.

Life Skills Centers are alternative education charter schools which accommodate students ages 16-22 who are seeking alternatives to the routines of traditional public schools.

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