Thursday, May 31, 2007

School appreciates staff, teachers

Life Skills Center of Miami-Dade kicked off May with a bang.

Not only was it Teachers Appreciation Week, it was Staff Appreciation Week during May 7-11.

The administration showed how much they really appreciated their staff with nice gifts and a BBQ.

To celebrate Memorial Day, the staff is having a BBQ for students with commendable behavior and eighty percent attendance for May.

Additionally, during the month of May, students had a host of workshops addressing important issues such as: Anger Management hosted by the Family Advocate, Gang Violence by a Police Officer, STD/Pregnancy Prevention by a nurse, parenting by a guest speaker, and a special HIV/AIDS workshop hosted by the school psychologist, Dr. Maria Arana.

The kids found these workshops to be an eye opener and very informative. Furthermore, English teachers, the Family Advocate, and the Purchasing/Personnel Secretary attended Professional Development Workshops.

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