Thursday, May 31, 2007

School participates in Children’s Home Society Event

On April 28, the Life Skills Center of Broward County had the opportunity to positively promote our school at a local Children’s Home Society event, which featured acclaimed author and actress Victoria Rowell. The LSC team was provided with an exhibitor table and distributed brochures and other informational items.

The LSC team also had the opportunity to visit with representatives from other local organizations including CHS, Camelot Community Care, Make-a-Wish, Children & Families, Club Z Tutoring, Under the Sun leadership camp, ARC Broward, and more.

Invitations to tour LSC Broward were extended to many partner organizations. One of the first representatives to accept our offer was Monica Frigoletto, Transition Specialist at Achievement and Rehabilitation Centers (ARC Broward). While touring LSC Broward, Frigoletto indicated that she was very impressed with Life Skills Centers and would begin referring students our way. She felt that a natural partnership existed between our two programs.

Author Victoria Rowell’s presentation was extremely impressive. Rowell spoke of the numerous challenges that she experienced growing up through the foster care system. Although she was provided with all the basic necessities of life and lived with loving families, Rowell longed for the opportunities that more fortunate young people had available to them. For instance, something as simple as ballet shoes required government approval.

Rowell met these challenges head on and became an educated and successful woman as a writer, actress, and public speaker. Rowell has starred in television and movies. For years she appeared on the daytime drama “The Young & The Restless” and costarred in the movie comedy hit “Dumb & Dumber.”

Rowell shared many positive messages with her audience that also included some of Broward County’s foster children. She often spoke of the importance of perseverance combined with hard work and hope.

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