Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Update from Life Skills Centers Southern Region

Tami Augustine, Ohio Southern Regional Director, reports that it’s an exciting time of year as the staff works on new and innovative ways to educate students.

The Life Skills Centers in her region have adopted a new lab model with subject-specific labs.

Students work in the labs after meeting with their homeroom teachers to establish daily goals.

Augustine reports the Southern Region is experiencing more consistent enrollment than ever before, indicating fewer students are leaving for different educational experiences.

Life Skills Centers in the region had their highest percentage of students taking the Ohio Graduation Test during the 2006-2007 school year.

Another result of the enrollment gains is more students taking part in the interesting field trips offered, such as a visit to the Ohio Legislature where students have voiced their support for school choice.

Students at Life Skills Center of Springfield have also taken part in the Muse Machine, a program which brings the arts to schools and students to Dayton where they visit various museums.

The staff and students at the Life Skills Centers of Dayton also seem to be excited about a pilot lunch program. For the first time last year, LSC students were served a hot lunch daily.

It seems to have contributed to increased attendance, fewer behavioral difficulties and, most importantly, more focused students.

The remaining six schools in the region hope to implement the lunch program this year.

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