Monday, October 8, 2007

GIRLS INC. helps empower female students

Life Skills works with GIRLS INC., a local nonprofit that focuses on empowering young female students.

Lupe Tapia, community educator, with Girls Incorporated of Metro Denver was recently at the school.

Tapia presented the various free services offered by Girls Inc.

Girls Inc. offers many after school teen programs including sports, art, dance, computer access and homework tutoring. Friday nights at Girls Inc. are girls nights out doing fun activities such as field trips, going to dinner and movies.

Girls Inc. has a Taking Care of Business class that is designed especially for high school girls to educate them on women's health and provide them with skills to make healthy choices.

Another class offered by Girls Inc. is Mi Avenida which is a college prep program.

Girls in this program also have the opportunity to be referred to National Scholarships and the Daniels Fund.

All girls who complete this class receive a $75 cash incentive.

Community Service/Volunteer hours can also be completed at Girls Inc.

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