Monday, October 22, 2007

School holds poetry classes

WHAT: Life Skills Center of Trumbull County is continuing poetry classes for its students Tuesdays in November.

WHERE: Life Skills Center of Trumbull County, 458 Franklin St. S.E., Warren, 44484

WHEN: 10-11 a.m. and 2:30-3:30 p.m. Tuesdays in November.

Marcia McCreary and LuAnn Stiles, English teachers at the school, are hosting "Poetry and Pastries" workshops.

In these workshops, students learn techniques for writing poetry.

Attendance is voluntary. Students come just to learn more about poetry and to increase their writing skills.

Students often share their writings in class and they truly enjoy listening to each others work. So far, over 30 students have attended the workshops.

The school will hold a poetry contest at the end of the workshops where winners will win prizes. First place will be a $50 gift certificate, second place a $25 gift certificate, and third place a $10 gift certificate. There will aslo be 10 honorable mentions. Students will be allowed to submit 2 poems each for the contest. They winners will also receive award ribbons in a ceremony.

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