Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Student has poetry published

Life Skills Center of Columbus North student Christin Johnson had a poem recently published in the "Teen Speak" section of The Columbus Dispatch.

Christin, 17, has attended the school since July. Her interests include sign language and singing.

Her poem, "My Morning," was dedicated to her mother.

Here is her poem.

My Morning

Morning woke me up today.
Singing the most exquisite song,
Nothing can compare
To such beauty
My Morning

The pureness of this tune is irresistible
Adoration knowing no distress
And agony now a stranger
Few to give thanks to
One being
My Morning

Mesmerized by the compassion she has for me
Her empathy being never forgotten
The existence of morning,
For eternity…a blessing
Fallen and picked up
Taken such care of
By one I want to thank
My Morning

To my bewildered mind:
The tender love that you hold
No longer destructed

Misery forever terminated
The troubled living days of my past
No longer a part of me
Torn into pieces
From one I care so deeply for
My Morning

What a joy it is to me
To live this serene life
All possible by you
My Morning

My recognition of love for you
Believing to be

My days all to be continued
Because of you
My Morning

Giving you the respect
I know you deserve
Much more love
From me to you
Many more thanks
I say to you
Forever a pleasure
To have met you
Forever mine
My Mother
My Morning

Written and composed by Christin Johnston
Copyright 2007

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