Friday, February 15, 2008

Middletown school names top Feb. student

Lab 1 student Lacey Cummins has been named February’s Student of the Month at Life Skills Center of Middletown.

Lacey, 17, came to Life Skills in September from Monroe High School.

“Lacey is a student who has shown consistent hard work and dedication to her academic success during the six months that she has been enrolled,” Administrator Charles Hall said. “She is on task and works steadily and efficiently towards completing her courses while maintaining a 97 percent attendance rate.”

He added that Lacey is nice and extremely respectful towards both staff and her peers.

“Every morning, Lacey arrives at school with a smile on her face and a positive attitude,” Hall said. “She is never a disruption in the lab. Lacey also volunteers after her session time assisting staff with various duties. Our staff finds her to be attentive and hard working and always putting in extra effort when necessary. Lacey is a positive role model for her peers to look up to as well as demonstrates leadership qualities.”

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