Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What Are You Thankful For?

NOTE: This is a holiday message from principal Tracye Davis to students from the school's November newsletter.

As we enter into the holiday season, I would like to take the opportunity to express my thanks to all of you.

Each staff member, parent, student and community partner plays a very special role in the success of Covenant House Life Skills Center West.

Every day as we walk down the street, watch the news or simply have a conversation with our neighbors, we should be reminded of all we are thankful for.

As students, some of you have overcome tremendous obstacles just to get to school each day.

Your commitment to your education will pay off for you. Hang in there!

Again, I want to strongly encourage all of you to work hard at improving your attendance and earning credits. The reward is a high school diploma.

During this time of year, I am particularly reminded of how thankful I am. I am also aware of the importance of giving back to the community. As a commitment to you, our school is choosing to make a difference in the lives of 100 families by partnering with community businesses to give away Thanksgiving baskets for those in need.

Covenant House/Life Skills Center West is thankful for the opportunity to provide students with a second chance.

I don’t have the space to tell you all of the things I am thankful for in my life.

I am most grateful for the fact that everyday I wake up, I get another chance to make a difference and fulfill my purpose.

Have a safe and wonderful holiday break. Most importantly, take the time to be thankful and take every opportunity to give something back.

We’ll see you in class on Nov. 26.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Ms. Tracye Y. Davis

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