Friday, November 30, 2007

School helping student finish her credits

Donna Thomas was looking for a place to finish up her high school
credits after moving from Warren to Youngstown after her father lost her

She found it at Life Skills Center of Youngstown.

"I like it here," she said. "You get to work at your own pace and have
the full support and individual attention of the staff."

Thomas, 18, of Youngstown, previously attended Warren Harding High
School, where she was a few credits short of graduation when her family

She hopes to graduate in January and is racing to finish her credits.

School officials said they are pleased by the quality of her work.

"I have a lot to be impressed with Donna," Social Studies/General
Sciences Teacher Ken Cartwright said. "She is nice and well-behaved and
a hard-working, high-quality person."

After graduation, Thomas said she will attend Youngstown State
University and study telecommunications.

Here is a video of Thomas talking about her experiences at the school.

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