Friday, August 10, 2007

Student writes poetry

A full-blooded American Sioux Indian is preparing for a career in art through Life Skills Center of Akron.

Louis Reddest, 21, of Akron, came back to the school after living on a Sioux reservation in South Dakota.

Reddest likes drawing and poetry.

"I like rhymes and lullabies," he said. "Whatever comes near."

Reddest, who plans on studying oil painting at South Dakota State University after graduating at the end of the year.

He says he likes working with computers and the teachers at Life Skills.

"They help you see things more clearly," Reddest said.

Here is a sample of his poetry:

I Miss You

I’m missing you each day, hoping that you’ll come my way.
I can sit and wait till that dream comes true.
The dream I dreamt of being with you.

If I could take back the day that passed,
I’d do it in a hurry and really fast
And you’ll be home quickly, and then it will last.

I can’t tell you this feeling of loneliness,
But I can tell you that it started with our first kiss.
That is something you did not miss.

You glowed so bright and made everything right.
That’s why I chose your love, the very first night.

I really do miss your hugs and kisses.
I will do anything possible to see your smiles,
Even if it means walking the distance of the United States miles.

Louis Reddest/Blue Thunder
Rosebud I. Reserve

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