Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Helping out

Life Skills Center of Cincinnati staff recently volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House in Cincinnati during an inservice day.

Guests at the Ronald McDonald House in Cincinnati were treated to a pair of home-cooked meals prepared by Life Skills teachers and staff.

The staff at Life Skills Center Cincinnati split into two groups and served meals on two different days to children and their families receiving long-term care at Children’s Hospital.

The experience proved valuable both as community service and as a team building exercise.

The groups met early at the grocery store and bought supplies to feed approximately fifty children and family members.

Then they drove to the Ronald McDonald House and invaded the kitchen.

The Life Skills teams prepared a hearty brunch consisting of virtually every kind of breakfast food, including several unique “family recipe” entrees.

The food must have been good, as very little was left behind.

Some guests even took “doggie bags” of favorite dishes to their family members still in the hospital.

Sincere thanks were offered by almost all of the diners.

After the crowd was gone and the kitchen was clean, the crew was treated to an extensive tour of the facilities. The House is truly a first-class facility and the staff was visible moved by the good work being done there. All in attendance agreed that this was an experience that should be repeated.

Ronald McDonald House Web site

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