Monday, July 16, 2007

Teacher took part in Amsterdam trip

Life Skills Center of Lake Erie ESL Teacher Mia Nottoli recently returned from a 10-day cultural/educational exchange trip in Amsterdam.

She was chosen by the Case Western Reserve University Language Department to participate in the all-expense paid program.

She has been sending daily e-mails which update the staff and students about the daily activities.

“This is a well-deserved honor (given) by the university for this very talented, creative and knowledgeable teacher,” school administrator Joe Czerwien said, adding she adeptly instructs the school’s large Hispanic/Latino population and also the growing Eastern European, Russian, West African and Arabic populations as well.

Nottoli is also proficient in both Hungarian and German.

“Having taught in the Middle East, Nottoli is truly a global teacher and with such an eclectic background and wealth of experience, is very much an asset to our school and its diversity of cultures,” Czerwien said.

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