Monday, July 9, 2007

June 2007 grad shares her story

My Life At Life Skills
By Amy Alpaugh

I was sixteen when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter, Deziray.

I was a freshman at Vermilion High School.

I was told about Life Skills, but never really considered it because it didn’t seem like reality that I was having a baby until she was born.

On Dec. 1, 2004, I started Life Skills. I was kind of scared, and kind of nervous, but I just kept to myself and did my work.

School became more helpful after I got to know my teachers, Mrs. Butcher and Miss Rouse. They are the ones that made this happen. I had found out that I was pregnant with my son, Antonio, in January 2006.

I withdrew myself June 2006 to move to West Virginia with my mom.

Then I came back in July, but had to be on bedrest until I had my son on August 28.

I was supposed to graduate last December.

I came back Dec. 14 and I was a senior, but I didn’t have enough credits to graduate.

I have had my problems in the past, with not being able to come to school because of my kids or other reasons, but they have always understood my situation.

I am 19 with two kids- there is only so much I can do, but whatever it was, school always came first. I am so glad I made my choice of coming here.

If I were in regular school, I don’t think I would be able to make it.

This is the year I am supposed to graduate.

One of my goals was to graduate the year I’m supposed to or before, and I made it.

So for anyone who says they can’t do it, but you can tell them. I did.

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